Friday, February 29, 2008

The Million Dollar Question

Ok, i know i promised to update the rest of the weekend trip at home in the next post.  i will get to it, i promise; but something profound happened and i wanted to share it with Our blog readers.
See these jeans in the picture, they are dyed in a way that the outside of the legs has a light blue dye and the inside of the legs is dark.  This is the way they look and i never dreamed that this bit of design could ever save me from embarrassment when my wife got these jeans for me a couple years ago.

On Thursday morning, when i came in from work, i was to lock the cb and show Mistress Amanda her property was securely locked on webcam before She headed out the door to Her own job.  i did as instructed and wore the device, sleeping in the device, and upon awakening going to do my grocery shopping in the cb6000.  Thankfully i made a very good choice of attire, even though i didn't realize it at the time.

At the grocery, i stopped and got a latte at the Dunkin Donuts to drink while i was shopping.  This latte was chasing the two glasses of diet Coke that i drank with my dinner prior to shopping.  Never go shopping on an empty stomach, or so they say.  As these fluids moved through, i was in a dilemma:  i was locked in public for the first time, and now i had to use a public restroom while confined.

Now in reading thousands of posts on blogs, Altairboy's website, literotica, etc.  Will suffice to say that i have reached the end of the internet as far as fetishes, D/s and BDSM go.  I learned that when confined, it is necessary to sit to a sissy.  But i was in a a hurry, i had to wrap up the shopping and hurry home to see Mistress Amanda on webcam.  This whole restroom trip was a nuisance, and i wanted to make it quick.

Thus:  The Million Dollar Question:  Does wearing a chastity device really necessitate sitting to pee?  Where are those mythbusters when you need them!  So there i stood, in my private stall, and hovering over the toilet in a standing position.  i was reluctant to sit since i was wearing orange panties with pink border, i didn't want to pull them all way down for passerby to see under the stall door.  So my jeans and panties were kept pulled down to just the minimum to allow the chastity out.  i then allowed the flow of urine to begin.  

i could see a small stream from the top of the slot at the end of the cb6000 and i thought, hey, so far so good!  What i didn't see, and in fact, never saw, was only felt as a warm sensation  It was the urine pouring out the bottom slot, down my left leg and onto the top of my shoe.  Any guy can tell you that once you start, it is really hard to stop.  Since stopping was not an option i squatted down like a catcher over the toilet, getting as close as possible so i can stop peeing on myself.  Once the urine flow had stopped, i sighed with relief and thought i have got to get these jeans into the washer.  Then i came back to reality, the washer was back at my apartment and i was going to have to walk out of the grocery with a wet leg and wet shoe in front of no less that 20-30 people to get to the car.  Thank goodness i had already paid for the groceries and had a cart to block the view of my lower half from wandering eyes.  On another note, thank goodness for self-checkout because KY Jelly looked really funny being purchased on the same receipt as a phallic looking squash.

So while assessing the damage and planning an exit strategy, i inspected my jeans and breathed a sigh of relief.  The dark denim hid the pee perfectly!  i would just make a beeline for the door, get in the car and get back to the apartment.

Once i stepped outside the restroom, everyone in the store it seemed decided to exit in front of me, forcing me to walk slower.  These were some of the same people who were on the airplane with me last weekend, and took way too long to get their carry-ons out of the overhead compartment, i had no doubts about this.  Then i finally made it to the exit and stepped outside into the cold.  i discovered that no matter how warm the urine is, 23 degrees will turn it into ice, sending quite a shiver down my leg.  Then finally made it into the car, where i called Mistress Amanda, who found my dilemma massively entertaining as evidenced by Her saying, "oh baby, i am sorry"  followed by uncontrollable giggling.  This made me feel a stirring below as the chastity device reminded me that an erection was not a good idea.

So, the definitive answer to the question, "Must one sit to pee when wearing a cb?"  is a resonating "Yes"


robert clark said...

i have been in a situtation somewhat like yours. it was embarising and sexual at the same time. i liked hearing about your orange panties. can't wait till the next post.

Mistress160 and solipsist said...


Oh I LOVE it!


Amanda's Knight said...

Wow, i made yet another Woman snicker at my predicament. Nice to see You Ms160, long time fan of Your blog!