Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Deal or no deal

Back when M.A. and i began talking about our new found kinks and fun things to do, i came up with a sort of game that could be played.  We love games, especially when pleasure or pain is at stake.  We have not actually played this game, but what i envisioned for home play is this:

Using index cards to represent the briefcases.  They would be numbered like on the show.  And underneath, there would be another separate card called the task card, instead of a monetary denomination card.  The cards are separate so they can be switched under different numbers for different game sessions.  Make sense so far?  Good.

M.A. gets to play Howie and the Banker, so She is in charge of the progression of the game, and She is the one who offers deals based on the "cases" i have picked and what remains on the board.

So here are the game options:  They can be changed as this is just a rough draft.

I am excited and looking forward to playing this game very soon with Mistress Amanda.  Now that we have erotic stakes, even games like Monopoly can take on a whole new meaning.  I guess any game can be fun if the stakes are high enough.

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