Friday, April 4, 2008

The bug has left the building

As of yesterday, I am officially feeling better. Thanks for the prayers to a deity of your choice, well wishes, positive energy, etc. As a healthcare worker, I am exposed to lots of nasty bacteria and viruses. I had the misfortune of carrying home such an organism at the worst possible time, when Mistress Amanda came to visit. So I was sick during Her visit and then the day she got back home, she started developing symptoms too. So yes, I made her sick.

We did not realize how much libido is lost when not feeling well. It has been downright hard to even think of fun things to do with ourselves. Makes me wonder how the couples in a strict 24/7 deal with illness or situations. But luckily we are both back at about 95 percent. I knew She was feeling better today when She mentioned the little plastic lock. It has been a few weeks now since we have talked about the CB or plans for it. She told me that I should start getting used to it again as I will be back home for good in a mere few weeks. So yes, she is certainly feeling better.

So some details of our weekend, which are long overdue to our readers, and for that I apologize. I was locked when I picked Mistress Amanda up at the airport. Once I hugged her closely in the terminal She could feel the familiar bulge of the plastic and Her lips curled in a delicious smile. We got the luggage in thhe car and She plugged in Her iPod Nano into the radio as we started driving away. Seems she was warming Herself up on the plane listening to a Violet Blue podcast. She was about ten minutes from the end when they announced that electronics had to be stowed. So in our first few minutes together we listened to a very sexy Femdom Violet Blue story. Since I was wearing the CB, but no lock was on it, I handed her the key and lock in the car. She did not lock it, but it was still very much on and I was becoming uncomfortable as it tried to erect in response to the fact that my Mistress Wife was finally here and she was playing a very provocative podcast.

So we didn't go back to my apartment quite yet, I would remain in waiting and wanting a little while longer. We had some lunch and made a stop at a store for an extra blanket because Mistress Amanda gets cold at night. So once we were finally back at the apartment, she removed the CB and we had a very nice shower together.

To be continued.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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