Sunday, March 16, 2008

Happy Palm Sunday

Ok, so its Palm Sunday and this never dawned on me before which is really surprising, because i am one of those people with a really lewd sense of humor.  i was thinking to myself that i wont be using my palm on Palm Sunday because i am currently locked up.

Anyone else not "celebrating" Palm Sunday.


Mistress Amanda said...

Very clever. I may let you celebrate Palm Wednesday...for a while, anyway.

pppp(generally around the head)PPPPP(up and down the shaft) and SSSSSS, but no CCCCC or XOXOXO. Oh, and you are the one to ppppPPPPSSSSSS. ;-)

Amanda's Knight said...

Just so our readers know, last week i ordered a strap-on from Eden Fantasies. It is the same dildo that i found on the blog called Under the Boot in a post referring to the purple thruster affectionately as "Grimmace"

So our very own Grimmace is here, sitting in a box shipping box that i am not allowed to open. Mistress Amanda has just the tool to implement the things from Her last comment. i am unable to open this box to take a look and know if it is so big that i should worry, or kind of smallish and be less worried.

Mistress Amanda uses the rationale, and i wholeheartedly agree, which i generally am always agreeable (i never say no), that since i am a couple states away and She cannot touch "Her locked cock" that i should not be allowed to touch Her new purple cock.

So i guess we will see if Grimmace is true to his name.

helpmate hubby said...

that was hillarious!