Saturday, February 16, 2008


Mistress Amanda and i were talking yesterday about protocols.  She had mentioned that She didn't want the relationship to stop outside of the bedroom, and i wholeheartedly agreed.  We cannot deny that there are times when an overt act could be contraindicated and we should adjust accordingly.

If you read some of the previous posts, at times i refer to Mistress Amanda as just that.  In another post, i referred to Her as "M".  This might be confusing, so i hope the next statement brings some clarity.

When we are in private, Amanda is to be addressed as "Mistress Amanda".  When in public, i am to address Her as, "M".  Give or take how heavy we are into our roles at the moment.  In times of stress or needing to get things done and day-to-day life taking precedence, she will be Amanda, my wonderful, beautiful wife.

We don't need protocol and titles at every juncture to appreciate Her Dominance over me.  Sometimes when i write, i refer to myself with a lower-case "i".  Any English teacher will give you a rap over the knuckles for this because it is not correct.  It is a sign of respect to M that i use the lower case, but if i fail to do it, it doesn't mean that She has lost control.  i attempt to capitalize to reflect our positions as much as possible, but sometimes i type as i was trained for years in school.  It is so funny that there are chatrooms that actually boot people for failing to abide by the protocol with the strictest adherence.  Always seemed strange to me, at least.  

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